The calling party number
Destination for call
The application to use to control this call. Either applicationSid or url is required.
If set to true, the inbound call will ring until the number that was dialed answers the call, and at that point a 200 OK will be sent on the inbound leg. If false, the inbound call will be answered immediately as the outbound call is placed.
The hostname to put in the SIP From header of the INVITE
The number of seconds to wait for call to be answered. Defaults to 60.
The max length of call in seconds
Initial set of customer-supplied metadata to associate with the call (see jambonz ‘tag’ verb)
The customer SIP headers to associate with the call
The sip indialog hook to receive session messages
The vendor for Text to Speech (required if application_sid is not used)
The language for Text to Speech (required if application_sid is not used)
The voice for Text to Speech (required if application_sid is not used)
The vendor for Speech to Text (required if application_sid is not used)
The language for Speech to Text (required if application_sid is not used)
call successfully created