April 20, 2024
New Features
- Add support for google v2 STT api
- Add support for additional TTS vendors: PlayHT, RimeLabs, and Deepgram
- Add support for streaming TTS (reduces latency) for Deepgram, ElevenLabs, Microsoft, PlayHT, RimeLabs, and Whisper
- Add support for bidirectional audio in listen verb
- Add new verb: dub to insert additional audio tracks into the conversation; see here for example usage.
- Add
to config verb allowing the volume of a conversation to be increased or lowered. - Add support for “filler” audio to the gather verb allowing brief audio to be played to a caller while the user application is processing a user utterance or dtmf collection, this can be useful in scenarios where an AI bot is expected to take a lengthy time to process a request
- Add coach mode to conferencing, allowing for instance a manager to “whisper” to an agent on a 3-way conference with a customer
- Add support for sending outbound OPTIONS pings to configured SIP trunks
- If Deepgram endpointing is enabled, default utterance_end_ms to 1000 if none specified by the application (per Deepgram recommendation)
- various improvements and enhancements to node-client-ws
Bug fixes
- various fixes for Deepgram STT
- 714 bargein “sticky” only works twice
- 710 fix for actionHookDelay action
- 671 handling of siprec invite failure
- 666 transcribe on dial verb does not transcribe B leg by default
- fix for precaching of TTS
- check if sip gateway is in blacklist before sending outbound call
SQL changes
- Available now on jambonz.cloud
- devops scripts (packer, cloudformation, helm) available now for subscription customers
Questions? Contact us at support@jambonz.org